Tuesday, November 22, 2011

December 1 Donations

The next food deadline we will have is December 1 and here's what we'll need:

16 boxes of cereal
2 breakfast bars
19 individual easy macs
9 puddings
1 cheese and cracker
23 apples.

Thanks and have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Updated 11/27

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Thank You

We received a nice little thank you today from the counselors. Just wanted to share with each of you because nothing would be happening if you weren't helping!

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Monday, November 21, 2011

Great Deal on Libby's Vegetables

I just got an email about a deal that would let you stock up on some donation items:

Great deal on Libby's vegetables at Dollar General (or take the ad to Walmart/Target to price match):
Libby’s Vegetables, Assorted varieties, 14.5 to 15 oz, On Sale for 40¢
$1/4 Libby’s Canned Vegetables, exp. 3/31/12 (RP 11/13/11)
$1/4 Libby’s Canned Vegetables, exp. 12/30/11 (RP 08/28/11)
Final Cost: $.15 each wyb 4
RP = Redplum - coupon insert from the newspaper
WYB - when you buy
Great few days to stock up for BN - good through the 23rd.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Awesome, Just AWESOME!

Wow!  What a week!  We packed bags on Wednesday.  We packed bags on Thursday.  We packed bags on Friday.  We are finished packing bags until after Thanksgiving though and I'm glad that I can now direct all of my attention to getting the remnants of work finished before the holiday season really sets in!  I know some of you overachievers are already wrapping gifts and I'm hoping to get in on some sales next weekend and maybe even start finish my list! 

At this moment we have Thanksgiving Blessing bags of all of our Bear Necessities families sitting in my foyer, ready to be delivered.  They will go home on Monday... along with a voucher for them to go get a turkey or ham at Dierbergs.  For those food lovers... they're getting stuff to make stuffing, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, corn, turkey gravy and turkey. mmmmmmmm...... I can feel the tryptophan nap coming on already!

Initially, we had planned to do everything through Dierbergs (who was still very kind to us) but through a series of "coincidental" meetings, coupon donations and $10 off Thursday we purchased all of the fixins' for the perfect Turkey Day dinner at Shop 'N Save (the one by Monticello).  The manager up there, Rodney, even went around with a cart and gathered everything up for us before we arrived to save us some time!  Talk about some amazing customer service!!!   Thank the Lord for Rodney and for all the little things that, together, added up to a savings of $60 on that part of our blessing!!!  The great part of that savings is that we were able to increase the amount of their vouchers at Dierbergs!  Awesome, just AWESOME!!!

The regular weekend bags will go home on Tuesday.  To any of our families who receive bags & know that your student won't be at school on Tuesday, please give Mr. Marian or Mrs. Meyer a call and have them let me know and I'll bring them up to the school on Monday so that you can pick it up.  I'm afraid that sending both home in a backpack might be too heavy though.  Regardless, between the counselors and myself, we will do our best to make sure it gets where it needs to go. 

Now, not to make this the longest blog post every but I do want to let you know that we have a Christmas Blessing plan as well.  Forms were approved and went home this week for our students to list one item, $20 or less, that they would like to receive for Christmas.  I'm hoping to get all of the forms back no later than Tuesday so that we can post them online for people to choose.  If you think you'd like to bless one  of our John Weldon kids for Christmas, be sure to check back on the blog next week!

Blessings to you this weekend!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Thanksgiving Blessing Update

Just a quick note to let you all know that we are currently at:


of our goal to give each of our families a 
blessing for thanksgiving!!!

"Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for men, for he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things."  
Psalm 27:8-10

Monday, November 14, 2011

How Bear Necessities Happens

I get a lot of questions about how Bear Necessities works and what all goes into it.  So, here it goes...

There are so many things that happen from week to week that allows Bear Necessities to work. The first thing that happens is prayer. Bear Necessities was born in prayer. Actually, it was a prayer that someone ELSE would do something but as God will do when you allow Him, He changed that completely and I'm so grateful!  Prayer is still the force behind it. Every week.

I have four menus that consists of the items that need to be donated in order to provide supplemental weekend food for our kids. They rotate each week so that they kids are getting different foods.  Each week I pray that God will bring the items for that particular menu through the people in this community. Week after week I wish I could say that I go through every day without a thought that we'd ever come up short. Alas, I doubt. I never doubt that we won't be able to serve the kids but subconsciously, I wonder if I'll be the one at the store filling the gap. It never happens. Seriously, did you read that.  It NEVER happens!

One week in particular I was running errands and had an overwhelming urge that I needed six apples. I thought it was ridiculous because I had counted... I KNEW that we needed 15. I even picked up 15 at Wal-mart but put back the second bag before I got to the register. You know what? I'm sure you guessed because it's oh so predictable but when I arrived at home, with the donations that had arrived while I was out running errands, we needed exactly six apples and nothing else!

Week after week I wish I could say that I go through every day without a thought that we'd ever come up short. (Yes, I know that I already said that.  This time was for dramatic effect.) 

I doubt and He comes through. I doubt and He comes through. I doubt and He comes through. Again and again. Again and again.  Again and again.  Again and again. 

In the midst of all that happening, day after day I come home and find my front step looking like this:

Day after day, my husband comes home to find the foyer looking like this:

When my kids arrive home from school they carry the bags to the basement. Madeline loves counting and organizing the food on the shelves. With each can we place on the shelves we are reminded that the Lord will provide. We recently did a study on the different names that God is called in the bible and one was Jehovah Jireh, which means "The Lord will provide."  I am so thankful for the constant reminder of this and the opportunity to teach it to my kids in a practical way that they can LITERALLY see.

On Wednesdays or Thursdays, God provides in a different way. He sends us volunteers to pack the bags and carry them upstairs.  Here are a couple of our regulars with my kids as well:

Even before the bags are prayed for and dropped off for delivery, the whole process has started again. I pray.  I count.  I blog.  I receive. 

Each and every second of this process makes me feel more alive and more blessed! I believe with everything in my heart that it is in times of service to others that we grow and experience a true joy that does not exist when we're wrapped up in the busy-ness of life. 

Bear Necessities has given an opportunity to my family and me to know that Joy.  Whether it be through Bear Necessities or some other cause that's close to your heart, I challenge you to step out and step up by serving. I promise that you'll never be the same... and you'll be glad!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Donation and Thanksgiving Update

Hip Hip HOORAY!  We have absolutely everything we need for this week and have even received a few donations for Thanksgiving.  With that, this what we need for the next two weeks:

Updated 11/13
by 11/16:

16 tuna fish
9 cans of soup
15 pudding cups
11 apples

By 11/21: (Thanksgiving Week)

25 boxes of cereal
15 plastic jars of jelly
1 boxes of ritz crackers
10 boxes of regular Macaroni and cheese
25 fruit cups
12 applesauce
5 granola bars
25 apples

We have already received all of the peanut butter we will need for this month and with the rise in cost on that I am sooo grateful!!!  There is, however, a deal on STL Mommy for peanut butter at Wal-Mart so here it is for anyone that wants to plan ahead or stock up yourself:

Peter Pan Peanut Butter (16.3 oz.) $1.79
Use the $1.50/3 printable coupon
Final cost: $1.29 each

Don't forget that in order to bless our families for Thanksgiving, we need to receive your cash or gift card donations no later than 11/18 and I cannot take checks for this.  In order for each family to receive $25 toward their Thanksgiving meal, we need to receive $475 in donations.  WE are currently 10% of the way there! 

Monday, November 7, 2011

Thanksgiving Blessing

We've got 17 days until Thanksgiving and I just found out today that we will be able to bless our families with a donation for the holiday!  WOO!!! HOO!!!  I am so excited about this!!!

This is how it's going to work:  cash donations and Dierbergs gift card donations are welcome.  Each family enrolled in Bear Necessities will be able to pick up all or part of a Thanksgiving meal at the Dierbergs at the intersection of Hwy K and N in O'Fallon.  What we will do is put all of the money together and split it equally among the families.  They will be able to pick up items like turkey, mashed potatoes, sides and pies the week of Thanksgiving. 

Please do not drop donations in the box on my front porch!  ESPECIALLY CASH OR GIFT CARDS!!!!!  Donations can be sent to school and brought to the attention of Mr. Marion.  Donations can also be given to me as well.  You can mail them to me too.

Unfortunately, I cannot take checks for this at this time.  

I realize this makes it a little more difficult but there are a lot of financial logistics with this so I hope you understand!  If you don't feel comfortable sending cash to school with your child, please contact me and we can figure something out.  I don't want these families to miss out on a Thanksgiving Blessing over logistics!

Donations for this need to be to me no later than 11/18.  

I've also got something in the works to bless them for Christmas but am still needing to get some specifics together to finalize it.  Don't forget that we still have three other weekends this month that we have to serve the kids and I know that, at this time of the year, money can get tight.  Let us all remember how blessed we are and all that we have to be thankful for as we give that same blessing to others!

This week and some SALES!

Hi all,

I just wanted to update where we are for this week and share some deals that were brought to my attention.  For this week we still need the following:

9 cans of chili
9cans of beefaroni
15nutragrain bars
5 apples

Some sale items are below:

Libby's Corn:  regular $9 for 12 cans  (.75 ea) OR $7.65 using Subscribe and Save (.64 ea) - your donors can set up a regular shipment right to your door - free shipping!   http://www.amazon.com/Libbys-Whole-Kernel-Sweet-8-5-Ounce/dp/B0040Q0RDU/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1320349595&sr=8-2
Whole Foods
365 Chocolate Chips, 12 oz $2.69, Regular Price
Use $2.00/1 365 Everyday Value Chocolate Chips, 12 oz  from November/December Whole Foods Coupon Book
Final Price: $0.69 - might allow a family to make a batch of holiday cookies

 A big THANK YOU to Danielle for sharing these finds this week.  If you come across some sales or coupons that would be good to share throughout the community for Bear Necessities, feel free to email me and I'll post it or you can just post in a comment below too!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Right on time!

I've heard it said several times that God is never late but seldom early and yet, always right on time.  That was so true today!!!  Just a few hours ago I sent a text to the volunteer who was coming to pack bags to say that I didn't expect to have what we needed to pack the bags after school.  I wasn't upset about it.  I've had a few monetary donations that I have sitting in a folder and planned to take that to the store to get what was left.  I knew that there was already a way available to have what was needed.  I haven't felt led to spend that money on anything just yet and if it turns out to fill the gap one week, I'm ok with that... as if it's about what I'm ok with.  Anyway, within two hours of sending that text today a quite impressive amount of food came in and we had everything we needed to pack the bags after school.  Chris was sitting in the living room when one person dropped off some stuff...

and then another...

and then another...

and then another...

and then he asked, "Is that someone else dropping off stuff?  Wow!"

In the book of Genesis, God is called "Jehovah Jireh" by Abraham.  It means

"The Lord will Provide." 

Indeed.  Nearly every single time the box is filled, I have no clue which human hands have filled it but I am confident of from where the food has come. I am thankful for the provision of Christ.

We also received some stuff for next week but still need the following:

14 cans of chili
14 cans of beefaroni
22 nutragrain bars
25 apples

Thank you to each and every person that is obedient to the call to donate and participate in loving the other families in our community!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Donations Update 11/1

Updated List 11/1

For this week, we still need the following:

18 cans of ravioli
10 envelopes of easy mac
9 cans of corn
2 pudding cups

Updated 11/2

For next week, we still need the following:

17 cans of chili
14 cans of beefaroni
25 envelopes of easy mac
22 nutragrain bars
25 apples

I read online that the price of peanut butter is going to skyrocket.  If anyone is great at couponing, this is an item that we'd love some help with!  Thanks!