- Instant Oatmeal Package
- Individual cereal boxes - the small single serving size in any variety
- Peanut Butter - the smaller jars are preferable
- Ritz Crackers
- Easy Mac Macaroni and Cheese - the single serving envelopes fit in their backpacks the best.
- Canned Soup
- Canned Ravioli
- Canned Beefaroni
- Canned Green Beans
- Canned Corn
- Canned Peas
- Canned Tuna
- Fruit Cups
- Applesauce
- Raisins
- Fruit Snacks
- Individual bags of Cheez Its
- Granola Bars
- Pudding Cups
- Nutrigrain bars
- Peanut Butter Crackers
The following items are needed for the kids to have "Birthday Bags" for their birthdays:
- Cake Mix
- Icing
- Party Plates
- Party Napkins
The following items are needed for the kids to have classroom birthday treats:
- Ding Dongs (most Hostess products are safe, Little Debbie are NEVER safe)
- Oreos (plain, original)
- Hostess Donuts
- Rice Krispy Treats (plain only)
- Chips Ahoy
- Keebler Bug Bites
- Nilla/Keebler Brand Vanilla Wafers
- Scooby Doo Snacks
- Teddy Grahams
- Kellogs Pop Tarts