Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Next Week's Needs...

This week has been fulfilled and for next week we only need a few things:

8 cans ravioli
9 cans corn
11 boxes of raisins

We need these by Monday of next week please!  Thanks!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

End of June needs

EVery May I think "I can't wait until school's out so things can slow down a little."  Never happens!  It always seems that summer is busier than any other time of the year but somehow I always forget.  

This is what we need for this week:

9 peanut butter
9 jelly
9 sleeves ritz crackers
11 cans green beans
Needed by 6/18

We're leaving town next week so I wanted to post the items we'll need for the following week as well:

2 cans soup
5 cans ravioli
12 cans corn
11 raisins
10 puddings
Needed by 6/25

A HUGE Thank you to Danielle Krahl and all the little girls that attended her Girl Scout camp this week.  Each girl brought an item for Bear Necessities every day and stocked some items for the whole summer!   Someone said to me earlier this week, "Kids can make a difference."  SO true!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Donation Update

I'm getting ready to head out to Dardenne Prairie's park to celebrate and I'll post some pictures of that later.  In the mean time I wanted to post our donation list for this week in case anyone is running out to the store.

This week we need:

12 breakfast bars
17 tuna
18 ritz cracker sleeves
17 cans soup
17 cans corn
2 applesauce
18 pudding

We have plenty of apples for the whole summer (I think) so please don't bring any more apples.  If you'd like to donate fruit of another type, that would be great!

Thanks everyone and have a blessed weekend!