Saturday, December 13, 2014

This weeks needs & Merry Christmas!

A huge thanks to Meadows Parkway Preschool for the huge donation from their canned food drive. After that we only need a few things. This week we need:
2 jars of peanut butter
10 sleeves of ritz crackers

Bags will go home on Thursday.  Deadline is Wednesday.

Thank you to everyone and Merry Christmas! :)

Saturday, December 6, 2014

This week's needs

Bear Necessities needs a few things this week so if you're at the store and are able to help, it is VERY appreciated:

22 cans tuna
18 15 sleeves ritz crackers
18 14 cans soup
27 23 cans corn

We also began serving three additional children this week.  That brings our total at both schools to 31 students.

Thank you for being a light for Christ in our community!  Throughout time God has used his people to reveal himself to others and that's what Bear Necessities is about; serving Jesus by serving others, revealing the God who provides by sharing our provision, loving others as He has first loved us.