Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Oil Change Day at Calvary Church

Spending money... it's something that can bring great joy if it involves something you've been wanting and saving to get... you know, like those awesome leather riding boots or those oh-so-fabulous heels.  Sometimes, however, it is just downright painful... a broken window, an overflowing washing machine... or maybe nothing's broken at all but you know that if you don't maintain it, it will be... and that is so not as fun as new shoes!  Maybe it's just me but that's how I feel about things like getting the oil changed.  Blah.  Ugh.  Whine!   I mean, I've always said that I couldn't be a gambler and didn't really enjoy Vegas because if I'm handing someone money, I want to walk out the door with a bag full of something I wanted... something pretty, cute or at least useful!  When we my husband takes the car to get the oil changed, there's no bag full of fun stuff!  Alas, I'm so grateful that we CAN get the oil changed because, with two kids, we drive A LOT and i certainly can't walk too far in my new heels if my car breaks down!

Seriously, though, I know that for some, it's not at all lighthearted or silly.  I read an article about something today and it made me wonder how many of our Bear Necessities families might struggle with this.  "Do I buy food for my family or get the oil changed?"  It breaks my heart thinking about it!

So, just in case, I wanted to let you all know that a free oil change IS available to single moms and families who are struggling financially.  Where? you might ask.  Calvary Church, which I have the privilege of calling my church.  Members of the church hold an event twice a year and do 300-375 oil changes FOR FREE to help people in the community.  This weekend the oil changes will be happening out our Mid-Rivers campus. 

If you are needing some help with this, call the church because a reservation DOES have to be made:  636-939-4343

If you aren't needing help with this but you know someone who is, please pass this info on to them!


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