Thursday, August 22, 2013

Wow! What a week!

Wow.  What a week!  Actually, what a wild ride it is serving God in this community!  Just a week ago we learned that our numbers for this year were double what they have been in the past.  "Do you think you can do it?"  I was asked and after a deep breath responded, "This has always been God's.  He's provided every week before and there's no reason to believe He won't be able to do this!"  The motto for the week has pretty much been that if Jesus fed over 5,000 people with just five loaves and two fish, a mere 50 kids would be no trouble at all and it wasn't!

Bags will go home for 49 kids tomorrow and we have been served by familiar faces and some new faces this week.  It's so exciting to see people jumping in to do what they can do.  None of us can do everything but when we all put what we've got together, it's enough! 

Before I get into what we will need for next week, I am excited to share that we will be partnering with Operation Backpack during this school year to provide for our kids.  They are donating shelf stable milk and cereal for our kids each week!  With the increase in our numbers, this is absolutely an answer to our prayers!  We are so grateful to be able to work with them to make sure that Child hunger is not happening in our school.

Now, for what we need next week.  The deadline is WEDNESDAY. 

5 breakfast cereal bars
20 cans soup
10 ravioli
30 cans corn
10 raisins
47 applesauce
25 13 apples (or other firm produce that won't get smashed in a backpack)

At this moment there are only THREE spots left available for this semester for those who want to pack bags.  If you're hoping to do that with your family, now is the time to grab a spot!

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