Friday, August 30, 2013

They'll come in, mom...

On Wednesday morning I was walking my middle schooler to the bus stop because I am THAT mom.  She hasn't objected yet and I will continue to doing it as long as she will let me.  Anyway, we were talking about things that needed prayer and at that moment, when I mentioned that we were short 20 soups for Bear Necessities the following conversations occurred:

"Oh, they'll come in, Mom."

"I think so too but why do you think that?"

"Well, because God wants it to happen and he always brings whatever is needed for Bear Necessities because it's his.  Besides, week after week, there's always whatever we need."

Sigh.  She's getting it.  It (Bear Necessities) is His and that's why we can have faith that those last 20 soups will show up.  They did, by the way, and about 20 extra.  Whatever we need is always provided.

With the holiday weekend, it's going to be a little weird.  It always is on these weekends.  So, the following is what we need:

46 chili (at least 1 vegetarian please)
43 beefaroni
1 spaghetti-o
14 easy mac envelopes
42 cans peas

On another note, all of the volunteer slots have been filled.  If you are signed up but have not personally corresponded with me, please send me an email at with your phone number in case I need to change something at the last minute.  I don't expect to have to do that but things do come up.  If you are signed up and need to make a change, please call or text 314-540-4718

If you signed up to deliver the bags to the school, please contact me even if you've helped before.  Our procedures for that have changed this year.

Have a blessed weekend!

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