Saturday, November 22, 2014

Packing for Thanksgiving and THIS WEEK'S NEEDS

It's not difficult and it doesn't even take very long, working together to do God's will that is.  Actually, that's not always the case.  Sometimes it is difficult and takes what seems like forever but not this morning!

A group of people that included members of our Bear Necessities community, the John Weldon staff and the Grace River Church Family met at John Weldon to pack up Thanksgiving meals for the families from John Weldon.  God provided leaders, liaisons, packers, decorators, donors, organizers, distributors and a place to store the meals until delivery.  Sure, one person could have accomplished the task but it would have been daunting and exhausting.  As Pastor Chris Highfill read in Acts before we began, I was reminded of how God had put that same scripture on my heart at the birth of Bear Necessities:

The Believers Form a Community

 44 And all the believers met together in one place and shared everything they had. 45 They sold their property and possessions and shared the money with those in need. 46 They worshiped together at the Temple each day, met in homes for the Lord’s Supper, and shared their meals with great joy and generosity 47 all the while praising God and enjoying the goodwill of all the people. And each day the Lord added to their fellowship those who were being saved. (Acts 2:44-47)

For two thousand years Christ has called believers together to share the blessings they've been given with those in need and the privilege of doing that work for the Lord in this community is great!  From the beginning, God has provided enough for all and gives us the honor of working with him to distribute it within our communities.  It is His way to provide for us... just as he provided leaders, liaisons, packers, decorators, donors, organizers, distributors, shoppers, a place to store the food and the food itself, He always provides.  It may not be in the way that we expect.  Sometimes we have to work together for it to happen but that's His way too.  This whole community thing has always been His way because He loves us and He wants us to love one another.

Thank you to the staff at John Weldon, the people at Grace River Church and each of you within Bear Necessities for continuing to be the kind of community described in Acts 2.  My heart swells with great joy and love that I get to join with you!

Don't forget that we still have needs for this week so that we can send food home with our kids on Tuesday.  Our deadline for this is Monday:

12 cans of soup
26 ravioli
28 easy mac envelopes

I also went ahead and counted for the following week since I know we'll all be busy enjoying family next weekend and stuffing our faces with turkey!

The following week's needs are:

28 beefaroni
28 easy mac envelopes
28 cans peas

Have a blessed weekend everyone! 

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