Thursday, November 29, 2012


I literally cannot explain how much I love being a part of this! 

Gavin and Chris carried bags of food to the basement last night after dinner.  I always love to see Gavin try to carry the heaviest of bags to show what a strong man he's growing into.  It makes my heart so happy to see him and his daddy serving others together.

I counted what we had and what we still needed a couple of different times last night and went to bed after making an update on Facebook around 10 p.m.  The porch was bare and the shelves were over half way filled.  
It was a pretty good day.  

As usual, I struggled to get up when the alarm went off this morning but made my way down to my coffee and then to the couch to where the kids call "Mom's quiet place until we get up."  A little while later Chris got up and, in his normal morning routine, took the dog to the front door to let her out.  He opened the door, looked startled and announced "We've got a small grocery store on our front porch!"  

I got up and saw this:

Isn't it beautiful?!  The poor little dog had to be lifted over the bags to get out to the yard to go potty!  I loved it! We celebrated and worshiped the God who provides as we carried the bags inside and again later when the kids helped me carry them to the basement.  It was a great morning.

8:45 rolled around and shoes were being put on along with coats... I grabbed my purse and went on to the car because I refuse to participate in morning arguments while they get themselves out the door.  We pulled out of the garage and my eyes saw it... 

               the porch was full again! 

The kids eyes were huge and I'm sure mine were too.  Down the road and off to school we went.  We worshiped some more on our way.  As I pulled back down my street I chuckled to myself when I found someone else putting more on the porch.  

It was an amazing morning because God is amazing! 

This afternoon some Boy Scouts will come and pack the bags.  We have everything we need for today.  The bags will be full... just like my very full and grateful heart.  

I literally cannot explain how much I love being a part of this! 

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