Sunday, September 11, 2011


As of today we have everything to serve this Friday and some extra for the next week!  I am simply blown away every single day with the amount of support that  we have received so far!  Each week we have provided food for the kids to have over the weekend and I am confident that it is blessing them... I KNOW it is blessing me to be a part of it!!!

Since we have everything for this friday, September 16, I have looked ahead to the following week.  We need the following by September 22:

9 cans of soup
10 cans of ravioli
10 easy mac envelopes
11 cans of corn
5 boxes of raisins

It's not much and I know that we can do it!  I've had several people say that they're skipping a Starbucks or an "fun but unnecessary" shopping trip to buy for Bear Necessities and I am so grateful!  I'm so touched by the support that has been given so far.  An amazing thing is happening here and I pray that each of you that is contributing knows that it's because of your willingness to serve.  I've often had people ask if I believe that God won't give you more than you can handle.  I always respond the same way.  "Nope.  I'm confident that God always gives me more than I can do myself so that I remain dependent upon Him."  That is totally what has happened here.  I cannot do this but with your service and obedience, it is happening!  Thank you for embracing this effort to lift up the kids at John Weldon and let them ALL feel loved!

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