Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Sign Up to Help

This week marks the fourth week that we have packed bags for kids.  Every single week we have been provided with exactly what we needed.  Sometimes it shows up on my doorstep anonymously.  Sometimes I see the person and get to talk to them.  Sometimes people wait for me at the door of the grocery store to give me a bag or two and sometimes my husband comes home from someone else's kid's birthday party with cases of food.  It's become this amazing experience for us to see all the different ways that God provides for Bear Necessities through this community.  At times my eyes well up with tears as I look in awe at a pile of groceries that have been donated to feed kids whose names we don't even know... yet, we likely see their face... and at another time or place in life, it could be our own.  "Love your neighbor as yourself" Jesus once said and this community is doing just that through Bear Necessities.

Many have contributed financially but not everyone can.  I've spoken to some that desperately wish they could but just cannot.  I urge you to not feel a moment of guilt.  It isn't the giving from guilt that will make this work but cheerful giving.  If you've been reading about BN this month and wishing you could contribute... or maybe you've contributed cases but wish you could do more... now is the time to sign up.  Each week I have had the privilege of packing the bags for the kids and I will continue as I am needed.  I have allowed my children and some of their friends the privilege to pack the bags.  I have delivered the bags and so have other women and while it gives me incredible joy to do so, I want others to know that joy as well.  I honestly feel greedy getting to have all the fun!

So, the following link will take you to a calendar on where you can sign up to help.  You will have to register your email address but they've promised NO SPAM is sent.  (Please let me know if this happens so that I can look into another planning site.  I do not want this to hinder volunteers!)   They will send a reminder email to help you remember when you've signed up.  Bags are packed on Thursday nights during a regular week where our last day is Friday.  On short weeks, we'll pack the night before the last day of that week.  What is easiest is to pack right after school but if that won't work for you, please call me and see if we can arrange a different time in the evening.  Packing the bags will take about 20 minutes.  Bags are delivered on the last day of the week.  If it is a Friday, it is usually at 11 a.m.  If it's a short week, it will vary. Carrying the bags into the school will take about 5 minutes.

Thank you, in advance, for your time!

1 comment:

  1. As a family that is blessed by this group I want to say THANK YOU! I am going to try to volunteer to help put together the items. This has been incredible for us. I know that my kids will get some fun and good food and not have to worry when they open the pantry and see it getting empty. For the last few weeks we haven't see it that way and that has been such a relief. I am inspired to give back in ways that I can. THANK YOU to all of you.
